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Uttar Pradesh assembly election result 2016, schedule/date, Opinion/Exit poll, candidate list, voter list 2016

The Rise and Fall of India’s Dalit Queen.


Recently many prominent leaders have left the BSP party and joined either SP or BJP and they made allegations of her bureaucratic style of working, monopolization, unapproachable, arrogance, and not upholding the legacy of Kanshiram Ji. As these leaders said “   kab kisko hata diya jaaye kya pata”. For instance, MLA Aslam Rashid, in an interview, mentioned that 11 BSP MLA trying to form their own party and would seek support from others as well. In the past R. K Chaudhary, Indrajeet Saroj, Naseemuddin SIddiquie, Swami Prasad Maurya and Brijesh Pathak etc. have left the BSP party.

Source: Trivedi Centre for Political Data

The above graph shows the trend of constant decline in the voting percentage of the BSP party but still, the BSP has managed to secure 20% of votes in all consecutive assembly elections. Overall the BSP’s performance has improved but each constituency-wise it has lost its ground considerably. The rise of young Dalits icon Chandra Shekhar Azad and his connectivity with common masses (predominantly Dalit youths), using all means of communication, raising the issue of social justice, and visiting places where atrocities against Dalits being reported and so on have made him a key player in upcoming U.P state assembly election 2022.  

Source: Trivedi Centre for Political Data

As above-trend shows that the BJP party has been successfully transferred SC and OBC votes     considerably due to its social engineering strategy, by capturing the political vacuum created by other political parties, making alliances with small regional parties giving them tickets and portfolios, and also targeting Dalits and MBC i.e. most backward castes such as Mallah, Bind, Rajbhar, Chauhan, Kumhar, Luhar, etc.

The vision of Kanshi ram was to put forward the idea of identity-based representational space for the communities in the Indian Political system and absolute equality, opposed to dynastic control over the party and opportunistic politics. Sadly Mayawati did it all that being avoided by the Kanshi Ram and consequently, BSP has lost the elections and also reducing vote bank particularly among the Balmikis who were traditionally associated with BSP but now shifting to BJP considerably. Therefore BSP requires immediate self-introspection, building good teams of youths, the delegation of power, decentralization, and democratization in the working of party, building trust among the party workers, and gain the faith of common voters. 

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